Gardenhire's animated discussion with the umpire in the seventh turned out to be perhaps a motivation for the Twins. Joe Mauer was apparently hit by a pitch by Milwaukee southpaw Mitch Stetter, but home plate ump Adrian Johnson ruled that the ball hit his bat. In a once-in-a-century turn of events, Johnson reversed his call, allowed Mauer to take first base, and the next pitch Morneau hit the grand slam. Whatever Gardenhire said, it sure looked good from the fan's perspective. I wonder if Gardenhire is that uncle in his family that dresses up as Santa Claus during Christmas and drinks too much eggnog -- he certainly has the personality for it, the out-of-shape paunch, rosy cheeks and thinning hair. All that's needed is the beard for Gardenhire. Hey -- that'd would be a career change that I would welcome: Ron Gardenhire as a shopping-mall Santa.
The Twins now face the Red Sox at home, where they will try to avenge their two-game mockery of baseball that they partook in a month ago. The Twins will get a challenge by facing pitchers that actually have talent; no more Manny Parras and Braden Loopers and Dave Bushes to tee off against.
1 comment:
Not sure if Gardy would make the ideal mall Santa either, after a couple hours of kids on the lap he'd probably take himself out to protect his "delicate" thigh and replace himself with a horribly inadequate Santa a la Matt Guerrier who would go on to blow Christmas for a bunch of kids.
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